
Headquarters: Olympic Athletic Center, Ano Liosia 13343, Athens, Greece
Email: – Web:

ONF – Organizing National Federation
IOC – International Olympic Committee
BD – Board of Directors
AC – Athletes Committee
WC – Women’s Committee
HJC – Hellanodike’s (Referee’s) and Judges Committee
HCHC – Historical and Cultural Heritage Committee
IR – Internal Regulation
AUC – Audit Committee
ACL – Athletic Competition Laws
NF – National Federation
GAISF – Global Association of International Sports Federations
GM – General Meeting
SG – Secretary General
AG – Agenda
CPC – Continental Pangration Committee
MADC – Medical and Anti-Doping Committee
asf – and so forth
etc – et cetera
YC – Youth Committee
OC – Olympic Committee
ORC – Organizing Committee
DEC – Disciplinary and Ethics Committee
WPAF – World Pangration Athlima Federation
TCC – Technical and Coaches Committee
WADA – World Anti-Doping Agency
CNF – Candidate National Federation
On February 9 of 2002, in Athens – Greece, the sports federation with the appellation “World
Pangration Athlima Federation (WPAF)” was established. The Charter of the Federation was
approved according to the no. 3509/2002 Decision of the Court of First Instance of Athens and
the no. 5668/RM/ma Certificate of the Hellenic Olympic Committee and was registered in the

Sports Association Register of the Court of First Instance of Athens on 21/08/2002 under
Registry number 685.
With the decision dated 11/12/2021 which was approved by the majority of the members which
were present at the General Meeting of the WPAF, the amendment and codification of the
Charter of the WPAF was decided, and the translation – record of the codified text of the Charter
in the English language, where both versions shall have equal authenticity and validity. However,
in the event of disagreement or interpretation of the terms herein, the English language shall
2.1 The appellation of the Federation is World Pangration Athlima Federation (WPAF). The
headquarters of the WPAF is in Athens – Greece, as well as the Administrative Services and the
Official Contact Address. The official language of communication of the members of the WPAF
is the English language.
2.2 The seal of the WPAF is round. In the perimeter, it bears its appellation which is surrounded
by “half omega” meanders. In the center, there is an image which depicts a shot of the Pangration
sport in the upright position, with two athletes, the first one is attempting a kick to the opponent’s
abdomen, while the second one is attempting to avoid the kick with an appropriate flexion and
rotation and at the same time attempting a hold with a bent arm. In the background, the outline of
the earth is visible.
2.3 The representation of the seal is at the first page of the present charter. The Seal is an
intellectual property of the WPAF, as a registered trademark which ) is registered in the Office
for Harmonization in the Internal Market (Trademarks and Designs). The seal or part of it as well
as the terms which is also referred to in international terminology as Pagration, Pangration,
Pankration, Pancration, Pancrace, Pammachon can be used by the National Federations only with
the written consent of the WPAF.
3.1 Pangration is a traditional Greek sport. It became an Olympic sport in 648 B.C. It is the most
comprehensive and effective mixed contact sport, for men, women all ages.
3.2 The WPAF is a non-political, non-governmental, amateur, international federation of
individual and team competitions of Pangration, which does not discriminate in terms of race,
gender, religious or political beliefs. Its main purposes are:
3.2.1 Promotion, cultivation, development and propagation throughout the World of the ancient
sport of Pangration, which is also referred to in international terminology as Pagration,
Pangration, Pankration, Pancration, Pancrace, Pammachon, as well as other related names, in
order to make Pangration more widely known as a martial art sport of the Greek and global
cultural heritage adapted to today’s sporting and social conditions and modern sports science and

founded on the principles of sportsmanship, noble competition, honest, equal and fair
competition in accordance with the rules and Principles of the IOC.
3.2.2 Development of friendly and cordial relations between countries, by practicing the sport of
Pangration, development of “fair play”, and of the courage and trust between athletes of
3.2.3 Integration of Pangration in the modern Olympic Games.
3.2.4 Registration of the Federation as a member, and acceptance and implementation of all the
rules, regulations and guidelines of the International Olympic Committee, of the World Anti-
Doping Agency, of the Global Association of International Sports Federations, as well as other
accredited International Sports Authorities and Organizations.
3.2.5 The promotion and support of all forms of cooperation with all sporting and non-sportin
bodies at an international and global level for the propagation of the sport of Pangration, and the
cultivation and development of friendly relations between the National Federations which are
members of the WPAF, the athletes and the officials.
3.2.6 The organization of World and Continental Pangration Championships.
3.2.7 The establishment of uniform rules worldwide for the sport of Pangration and the review of
every type of sport activity at the level of National Federations, in particular in the form of taking
the necessary measures to prevent violations of the terms of the charter or the rules of the WPAF.
3.3 All the Bodies of the WPAF, elected or not, are in a quorum in the presence of 50% + 1 of
their members. In the event of a tie, the vote of the President shall be considered as double. The
Bodies of the WPAF meet during Championships and extraordinarily by decision of either the
President or the Body itself or the 50% + 1 of the members of the Body. Meetings can be
conducted using modern communication methods (for example teleconference). The term of
office of each Body is four (4) years. The Bodies correspond only through the WPAF.
3.4 The WPAF does not accredit Pangration Schools, without its approval of the training
program, training materials and exam procedures. The WPAF accredits coaches titles only by
National Federations which are its members.
4.1 In order for a Candidate National Federation (CNF) to register as a member at the WPAF, it
must send to the WPAF a signed and sealed request by the persons who are authorized to legally
represent it, stating that as a Candidate Member it unconditionally accepts and adheres to the
WPAF charter, and that it undertakes at the same time to adopt and comply with the Charter and
Regulations of the WPAF from the moment the membership is approved. The request must be
accompanied by certified copies of the following documents:
4.1.1 Certificate by the competent state Agency that it constitutes a legal federation of its country.
4.1.2 Certified copy of the Charter or Internal Regulation (IR) of the National Federation, that
states that it recognizes the WPAF as the only entity regarding Pangration activities worldwide.

4.1.3 Certified copies of Accreditation (if any) of the CNF and of the Higher Sporting Authority
of its country.
4.1.4 Address and contact information of the CNF.
4.1.5 Names, addresses, ages, professions, pictures, CVs of the members of the Board of
Directors and of the officials of the CNF (with their statements that they accept and consent to the
storage and processing of the specific data and sensitive personal information by the WPAF).
4.1.6 Status of clubs and schools appertaining to the CNF with the detailed identity and contact
information of the legal representative of each club or school.
4.1.7 Status of annual events which are organized or suggested to take place and the activities of
the CNF up to that point.
4.1.8 Status of the existing sports infrastructure of the CNF and of its members (facilities
available for holding of Pangration events).
4.2 In order to support the development of Pangration at an international level, national sports
organizations cultivating any other type of martial art may be admitted as associate members,
provided that such national sports organizations are independent and not affiliated to another
national member of the WPAF.
The conditions for membership are the same as those mentioned in this article.
Associate members can attend the General Meeting, without voting rights. They can participate in
all friendly matches and Pangration tournaments, by invitation. They can’t organize and
participate in Pangration Championships. With regard to the effective functioning of their sport,
they must set up a technical committee of 5 to 7 members, which collaborates with the WPAF on
all matters related to their sport and its competitions.
4.3 The WPAF reviews the request of the CNF within a reasonable period of time from its
submission (60 days). If the registration criteria are met, it notifies the CNF to deposit the
registration and annual subscription fees in order to complete the registration, and the decision is
taken by the Board of Directors of the WPAF.
4.4 The WPAF grants – awards to the National Federation (new member) diplomas for three (3)
candidates, Head Pangratiast – Coach – Referee, who following training and examinations can
develop the sport of Pangration in their country, in cooperation with the WPAF.
4.5 The Board of Directors of the WPAF may consider a justified reduction or exemption from
the annual membership fee.
5.1 The WPAF acknowledges only one National Federation of Pangration per country. The
National Federations promote objectives and purposes of the WPAF and adopt its decisions.
They incorporate in their Charters the Charter, the Internal Regulation and the Regulations of the

5.2 The National Federations of Pangration operate autonomously in their countries and function
as non-profit, non-political, amateur sport organizations that nourish and develop the sport of
5.3 The National Federations are obliged to:
5.3.1 Organize National Championships, coaches and referees seminars.
5.3.2 Participate with athletes at International Pangration Championships.
5.3.3 Organize informational events in their countries about the ancient-modern history of
5.3.4 Possess a website for the spreading of Pangration and their activities.
5.3.5. Meet their financial obligations.
5.3.6 Members of the WPAF are prohibited from having any sports relations with competing
organizations – Federations – confederations or natural and legal entities which infringe –
appropriate the sport of Pangration or member organizations that are in opposition or have been
expelled or with any member who has been penalized (by suspension or revocation of
5.4 The Members submit to the WPAF an annual report which includes:
5.4.1 Address, phone numbers, emails of the National Federation, if the aforementioned were
5.4.2 Names, addresses, dates of birth, professions, photographs of the Board of Directors and
their officials, if the aforementioned were changed.
5.4.3 Certified copy of the minutes of their General Meeting
5.4.4 Copy of the annual calendar of the main Pangration events and their results.
5.4.5 Objectives and suggested calendar for the following year.
5.4.6 Report with all the in-competition and out-of-competition anti-doping controls of their
athletes, which took place in the previous year, other than those carried out by the WPAF.
5.5 The National Federations seek friendly relations with National Organizations of similar sports
for the development of Pangration without, however, accepting or favoring or facilitating the
infringement or appropriation of the sport of Pangration by third Federations.
5.6 The National Federations acknowledge and undertake the sole responsibility to compensate
the WPAF, its officials and members, if any litigation or administrative dispute or claim is
brought against them, as well as to rectify by any appropriate manner and means indicated by the
WPAF, for any damage or loss caused by their actions, as well as for the costs and expenses
incurred in any litigation.
5.7 Honorary member titles to individuals or to an International Organization are awarded by the
Board of Directors of the WPAF with certification by the General Meeting of the WPAF.
5.8 The Board of Directors of the WPAF issues periodic reports with information regarding the
activities of the WPAF and distributes them to all the National Federations.
5.9 The WPAF does not accredit Pangration Schools which lack its approval with regard to the
training program, educational material and examination procedures. The WPAF accredits

coaching titles only from National Federations which are members of the WPAF and can revoke
these titles upon justified decision of the BD.
The membership status in the WPAF can be revoked-lifted temporarily or permanently for the
following reasons:
6.1 Resignation of the member, cessation of Pangration activities, absence from competition from
two (2) consecutive championships of the WPAF, non-payment of annual membership fee or
fines, violations of the Charter, the Internal Regulation and decisions of the WPAF.
6.2 Commission by members of the administrative bodies of serious offenses, disciplinary
offences, pursuit of objectives which are damaging to the WPAF or contrary to its purposes,registration and cooperation with organizations competing with the WPAF that infringe or
appropriate the sport of Pangration or participation in their activities.
7.1 The administrative bodies of the WPAF are the following:
a) The General Meeting of its members (GM)
b) The Board of Directors (BD)
c) The Audit Committee (AUC)
d) The Committees
elected or not, are in a quorum with the presence of 50% + 1 of their members. In the event of a
tie, the vote of the President shall be counted as double. The administrative bodies of the WPAF
hold meetings during International Championships and extraordinary meetings by decision of
either the President or the administrative body itself or 50% + 1 of the administrative body’s
members. Meetings can be held using modern methods of communication (video conference).
The term of office of each administrative body is four (4) years. The administrative bodies
correspond only through the WPAF.
7.3.1 The General Meeting is composed of the representatives of the National Federations which
are members of the WPAF. The General Meeting is in a quorum in the presence of 50% + 1 of
the National Federations which have met their financial obligations. The General Meeting
convenes biennially, during the organization of the World Championship of the WPAF. The
General Meeting convenes extraordinarily by decision of the President, the Board of Directors or

following a written request of the 50% of the members which have met their financial
obligations. A member which hasn’t paid its annual membership fee or other debts towards the
WPAF has the right to participate in the General Meeting, without, however, voting rights, and is
deregistered at the end of the year and can re-register if it pays its debts.
7.3.2 The powers of the General Meeting are as follows:
a) The election of the members of the Board of Directors and the Audit Committee
b) The amendment of the Charter of the WPAF
c) The approval and amendment of the Internal Regulation and other Regulations of the WPAF
d) The validation of proposals submitted by the Members and the Board of Directors
e) The approval of the audited financial accounts, the financial report, the balance sheet and the
budget of the WPAF and the financial management by the Board of Directors
f) The validation of admission or expulsion of National Federations – Members and the validation
of decisions on disciplinary measures taken
g) Decision-making to impose disciplinary and administrative measures against any National
Federation that violates the Charter or the Internal Regulations or the Technical Regulations or
the Arbitration Regulations of the WPAF
h) Decision-making on any other relevant issue
7.3.3 In the General Meeting, apart from the members of the Board of Directors, the following
may also participate:
a) Every National Federation with a standard and alternate representative who must be members
of the Administration of the National Federation. Only the standard representative has the right to
vote and if he is prevented from attending, he is substituted by the alternate. The representatives
have ethnicity or nationality or permanent residency in the country that they represent and can
have their own interpreter. The representatives, prior to the start of the General Meeting, must
give to the Secretary General of the WPAF an authorization from their National Federation
stating that they represent it. Authorizations send via fax, email or other appropriate means, are
accepted by decision of the WPAF.
b) Candidate National Federations and Observers with special accreditation from the WPAF.
7.3.4 The date and place of the General Meeting shall be notified by letter sent at least ninety (90)
days before the General Meeting to the National Federations and to the Board of Directors by
email, which shall also contain the Agenda (AG). The invitation is posted on the WPAF website
thirty (30) days before the General Meeting. Any National Federation that wishes to include
topics in the Agenda must send relevant details to the Secretary General with a request for a
discussion, at least fifty (50) days before the General Meeting. The Agenda may include the
I. Ratification of acceptance or expulsion of members, disciplinary measures and decisions of the
Board of Directors from the previous to the current General Meeting.

II. Administrative Report (and approval or not of the report) from the President, the Secretary
General of the WPAF, the Presidents of the Continental Pangration Committees and the
Presidents of the Committees of the WPAF.
III. Financial Report by the Treasurer of the WPAF (submission of balance sheet, usage accounts,
expense account). Report by the Audit Committee – independent financial auditor in order to
review the correctness and accuracy of the financial statements and usage accounts of the WPAF.
Decision-making on whether or not to approve the financial results and the report. Appointment
of a Chartered Accountant to review the correctness and accuracy of the financial statements and
usage accounts of the WPAF for the following year.
IV. Amendments to the Charter, the Internal Regulation, the Regulations of the WPAF, the
Athletic Competition Laws and the Referee Regulations.
V. Review of the Calendar of the WPAF and assignment of events of the WPAF.
VI. Administrative – Financial Planning until the next General Meeting from the aforementioned
parties at sections 8.3.2 and 8.3.3.
VII. Any other topic, if the majority of the present National Federations consents.
7.3.5 The General Meeting is temporarily presided over by the President of the Board of
Directors of the WPAF and, in his/her absence, by the Vice-President or the most senior member
of the Board of Directors until the election of the President of the General Meeting. None
member of the Board of Directors of the WPAF can be elected as President of the General
Meeting, unless the Agenda includes issue for the amendment of the Charter. The President of
the General Meeting is assisted by the Secretary General or in his/her absence by one (1) of the
Vice-Presidents. The President of the General Meeting directs the discussion, determines the
order of discussion of the agenda items, gives the floor to the speakers and cuts them off, decides
on every matter related to the smooth running of the General Meeting and will have the right to
stop any negative behavior that interferes with the effective management of the proceedings of
the General Meeting.
7.3.6 Decisions at the General Meeting are taken by an absolute majority of those present (50%
+1) by an open vote, unless otherwise specified in this Charter (i.e. cases where an increased
majority is required or a decision is taken by secret vote). The members of the General Meeting
vote by showing a special attendance card, which is given by the Secretary General only to the
representatives of the members who have the right to vote. The representatives of the National
Federations which are members of the WPAF have only one vote each.
7.3.7 In the event of a tie, the vote of the President of GM considered as double.
8.1 The General Meeting elects the Audit Committee and the Board of Directors every four (4)
years, i.e. the year that the Olympic Games are held.

8.2 The Audit Committee has three (3) members (President, Vice-President and Secretary), with
two (2) alternates, which are not members of the Board of Directors. It reviews the finances and
income-expense management of the WPAF, audits the activities of the Treasurer and informs the
General Meeting accordingly.
8.3 The Board of Directors has thirteen (13) members which are elected by secret vote by the
General Meeting and is in a quorum when seven (7) members are present. All decisions and
actions of the Board of Directors are subject to subsequent ratification at the General Meeting.
The members elected to the positions of the Board of Directors of the WPAF must not have any
direct or indirect personal, financial or professional benefit or professional-commercial activity
related to the cultivation of the sport of Pangration, with the exception of Pangration Coaches
who have as their sole and livelihood occupation the teaching of Pangration in clubs. Any
member of the Board of Directors who is absent from three consecutive meetings of the Board of
Directors without presenting any acceptable reason for this in writing, shall be dismissed as a
member of the Board of Directors. If the elected members drop below 50%, elections are held for
the completion of the Audit Committee and the Board of Directors, and the term of office is the
end of the term of office of the other elected members (completion of four years).
8.3.1 The powers of the Board of Directors are as follows:

  • The Board of Directors executes the decisions of the General Meeting and decides on every
    issue between two General Meetings
  • It expresses the views of the General Meeting on any policy issue and whenever deemed
  • It strengthens the provisions of these articles by the enactment of regulations. These regulations
    take immediate effect but may be amended or rejected by a 2/3 majority at the next General
  • It hires the independent certified financial auditor appointed by the General Meeting to audit the
    annual accounts
  • It forms the budget for the coming year which is given to the General Meeting for discussion
    and approval
  • It appoints any sub-committee to consider specific matters or to organize a World event for the
    It is prohibited for the Board of Directors of the Federation to enter into contracts of employment,
    contracts for the provision of independent services, works and supply contracts or any other
    contracts with financial consideration, with members of the Board of Directors, with their
    spouses, children, parents and siblings or with legal entities in which the aforementioned persons
    participate. Violation of this provision entails the disqualification of the members of the Board of
    Directors who took the relevant decision. The disqualification is effected by decision of the
    General Meeting which is convened immediately as soon as the specific offense is reported.
    8.3.2 The Board of Directors consists of the following members:
    I. President. He/she directs and represents the WPAF at any Authority worldwide with regard to
    the recognition, financial support and grant of the WPAF in order to further develop the sport of

    Pangration. He/she chairs the Board of Directors and convenes its meetings. He/she is responsible
    for the execution of the decisions of the Board of Directors and the General Meeting. He/she
    signs together with the Secretary General documents of the WPAF, payment vouchers, money
    orders and checks. He/she is responsible for the implementation of the Charter, the Internal
    Regulation and the Regulations of the WPAF. He/she is looks out for the interest of the WPAF.
    He/she may attend meetings of the Committees of the WPAF.
    II. President of the Historical and Cultural Heritage Committee. He/she holds the office of
    Vice-President and replaces the President. He/she is a University graduate, historian,
    archaeologist, architect or other relevant faculty, holder of a relevant master’s and doctoral
    degree, with published work in leading scientific publications, i.e. with book reviews. He/she
    deals with the history and traditions of Pangration. He/she promotes any relevant knowledge and
    promotes Pangration as a Greek and World Sport of Cultural Heritage. He/she provides for the
    realization of relevant publications with the assistance of the WPAF. He/she communicates with
    the Ministries and Embassies of all countries on matters of his/her jurisdiction.
    III. Five (5) Vice-Presidents. One for each Continental Pangration Committee, who preside if
    the President and his/her alternate are absent.
    IV. Secretary General. He/she maintains pursuant to Greek and European legislation the special
    Sports Association Books, the Members Registry, the Coaches Registry, the minutes of the
    meetings of the Board of Directors and the General Meeting and the Registry of incoming-
    outgoing documents. Also, he/she maintains the record and the seal of the WPAF. He/she deals
    with the correspondence. He/she prepares the topics of the Agenda with the President. He/she
    makes recommendations to the Board of Directors. He/she signs together with the President
    documents of the WPAF, payment vouchers, money orders and checks. He/she supervises, as
    supervisor, the administrative staff of the WPAF. He/she may attend meetings of the Committees.
    V. Executive Secretary General. He/she substitutes for the Secretary General and collaborates
    with the Candidate National Federations, the International Sports Authorities and the World Anti-
    Doping Agency. He acts as a Press and Mass Media Officer.
    VI. Treasurer. He/she is responsible for every financial issue of the WPAF. He/she keeps an
    Income-Expenses Record and a Registry of Assets which are subject to professional audit, prior
    to their review by the AUC, the BD and the GM, for the accounting period of each year. He/she
    prepares a budget of Income-Expenses that shall occur until the following GM, that the BD
    approves and the GM ratifies. The members pay an annual membership fee to the Treasurer, an
    amount that the BD determines and the GM approves.
    VII. President of the Organizing Committee. He/she and processes the specifications and
    prerequisites that a National Federation must have in order to host a Championship of the WPAF.
    He/she reviews, monitors and certifies that the candidate’s infrastructure and facilities meet the
    specifications of the WPAF. He/she substitutes for the Treasurer when the latter is unavailable.
    VIII. President of the Referee’s and Judges Committee. He/she acts as Head International
    Referee in Championships and Refereeing Seminars of the WPAF. He/she appoints experienced
    and highly qualified international referees to the positions of Head of Continental Referees and

    Executive Referees. In collaboration with the Board of Directors of the WPAF ensures the
    provision of necessary materials for the proper functioning and organization of the Referee’s and
    Judges Body.
    IX. President of the Technical Committee. He/she reviews the rules, the Athletic Competition
    Laws and the Technical Educational Programs for the International Coaches of Pangration, in
    order to ensure a high level of competence, security and uniform interpretation. He/she is the
    Head International Coach in all the Championships and Coaches’ Seminars of the WPAF. He/she
    appoints experienced and highly qualified international coaches to the positions of Head of
    Continental Coaches.
    8.4. The Board of Directors meets as long as the President and the General Secretary or their
    legal deputies are present, and in case of discussion of financial matters, the Treasurer or his
    deputy is also present.
    8.5.The Presidium of the WPAF (President, Alternate President, Secretary General and Treasurer
    for financial issues) decides regarding any issue between two Board Meetings. For the seamless
    operation of the WPAF, the members of the Presidium reside at its headquarters.
    9.1 The WPAF is assisted in its work by Committees which make recommendations for matters
    of their jurisdiction. The decisions are recorded in the minutes kept by each Committee, are
    signed by the members present and sent to the WPAF for update and validation.
    9.2 The following Committees operate in the WPAF:
    9.2.1 Continental Pangration Committees (CPC). In order to achieve the purposes of the
    WPAF, the Board of Directors establishes Continental Pangration Committees (CPC) in Africa –
    Asia – Oceania – Europe – America, and retains the right to merge them or create Continental
    Sub-Committees. The purposes of the Continental Pangration Committees are the organization of
    Continental Championships, the promotion of Pangration, the protection of the interests of
    Pangration in their Continent, the cultivation of friendly relations between their members, the
    promotion of the Olympic ideals and “fair play” and the organization of any kind of Pangration
    activities (tournaments, seminars, workshops, exhibitions, etc). Each National Federation is
    represented by one member in the Continental Pangration Committee. The Board of Directors of
    the WPAF may, apart from the representatives of the National Federations, appoint sport officials
    who are aware of the issues of each Continent and are deemed necessary due to their special
    expertise of experience, without, however, voting rights. The President of each Continental
    Pangration Committee is elected, and serves as Vice-President in the Board of Directors of the
    WPAF. The Continental Pangration Committees convene within two (2) months from the
    election of the Board of Directors of the WPAF, and elect a Vice-President, a Secretary, a
    Treasurer and a Supervisor. Every January, the Continental Pangration Committee submits to the

    WPAF a financial report of the previous year and documentation for expenditure. Each
    Continental Pangration Committee submits every year proposals with regard to its calendar and
    developmental programming to the WPAF.
    9.2.2 Historical and Cultural Heritage Committee (HCHC). An elected member of the Board
    of Directors chairs the HCHC. The number of its members varies by decision of its president.
    9.2.3 Organizing Committee (OC). An elected member of the BD chairs over the OC. Has five
    (5) members, one from each Continent.
    9.2.4 Hellanodike’s (Referee’s) and Judges Committee (HJC). An elected member of the BD
    chairs over the RJC. Has five (5) members, one from each Continent. Processes rules, regulations
    and systems which ensure a high level of refereeing and a uniform interpretation of the Athletic
    Competition Laws, focused on ensuring the safety of athletes. Submits proposals to the BD.
    Monitors and reviews the level of competence and proficiency of the Referee’s and Judges Body
    at the Championships of the WPAF. Ensures that the Referees, the Judges and the Observers
    discriminate in favor of any party. Assigns – reviews – supervises the duties of the Observers,
    Referees, Judges, Victory Points Secretariats and timers of the Palaistra (ring )at the
    Championships of the WPAF. Supervises the Referee’s and Judges Disciplinary Committee.
    Conducts examinations and evaluates the Referees and the Judges. Its decisions are ratified by the
    BD. Complaints – protests – objections in Championships regarding the Referees and the Judges
    are addressed to the competent Committee which gives a copy of the request to the RJC and the
    9.2.5 Technical Committee (TC). An elected member of the BD chairs over the TC. Has five (5)
    members, one from each Continent. Develops and spreads the coaching techniques of Pangration.
    Prepares the Athletic Competition Laws of the athletic events of Pangration. Educates coaches
    and monitors their performance. Conducts examinations and evaluates the coaches. Its decisions
    are ratified by the BD. Complaints – protests – objections in Championships regarding the
    Athletic Competition Laws or Misconduct are addressed to the competent Committee which
    gives a copy of the request to the TC and the BD.
    9.2.6 Disciplinary and Ethics Committee (DEC). The NFs propose members for the DEC,
    preferably jurists, within twenty (20) days after the elections. The BD chooses three (3) members,
    with two (2) alternates, who elect a President (mandatorily jurist), Vice-President and Secretary
    who keeps the minutes of meetings and a record of decisions. The DEC adjudicates
    infringements and imposes penalties for infringements provided for in the Charter and the
    Internal Regulation. The Secretary announces within five (5) days the decisions of the DEC to the
    WPAF. The BD notifies the concerned party by registered letter and electronically within twenty
    (20) days. The decisions of the DEC are enforceable immediately. The BD makes sure that they
    are executed immediately. The decisions of the DEC can only be challenged at the Court of
    Arbitration for Sport (CAS), as the law states. At the meetings of the DEC, where NFs or natural
    persons are judged, a member of the DEC which is at the same time a member or representative
    of the judged member or relative up to the fourth degree or a person who maintains particular
    relationships of friendship or hatred with the judged member cannot participate (and is replaced

    by an alternate). In the event of group individual or collective infringements, every person or
    body will have its case adjudicated separately. Any disputes between members of the WPAF,
    legal or other, can be resolved by the BD or the GM, otherwise they are referred to the DEC.
    9.2.7 Medical and Anti-Doping Committee (MADC). Has five (5) members which are
    appointed by the BD of the WPAF. It convenes and a President and a Secretary is elected. The
    members are doctors or individuals which their specializations are directly related to medical –
    paramedical professions (Exercise Physiologists, Nutritionists, etc). The MADC studies medical
    cases associated with Pangration matches. Takes care of the health of the athletes. Proposes
    amendments to the Medical Code and the Anti-Doping Rules.
    9.2.8 Women’s Committee (WC). Encourages women in a variety of ways to participate in
    Pangration as athletes or from other posts. Comprises of five (5) women, renowned athletes of
    Pangration, which the BD of the WPAF appoints. It convenes and a President and a Secretary is
    9.2.9 Athletes Committee (AC). Represents the athletes of Pangration, supports their rights and
    makes sure they meet their obligations. Organizes, in collaboration with the BD of the WPAF,
    educational workshops, seminars and events for the athletes. Comprises of five (5) renowned
    athletes of Pangration, which the BD of the WPAF appoints. It convenes and a President and a
    Secretary is elected.
    9.2.10 Youth Committee (YC). Deals with issues related to practice, promotion and
    development of Pangation among the young. Comprises of five (5) young athletes of Pangration,
    who have shown sporting excellence and they are minus 30 years old, which the BD of the
    WPAF appoints. It convenes and a President and a Secretary is elected.
    9.3 The WPAF may create any other Committee, if deemed necessary.
    10.1 The elections for the nomination of the thirteen (13) regular members of the Board of
    Directors, three (3) regular members of the Audit Committee and their alternates will be held at
    the General Meeting by secret vote, when their terms of office expire or in any other case
    provided for in this Charter.
    The right to be elected to the statutory bodies of the WPAF has only a member of an association –
    member of a National Federation who is a member of the WPAF, provided that he has the righto vote and be elected and his association has acquired the right to participate and vote in the
    General Meeting, in accordance with the provisions herein. The acquisition by a candidate of the
    right to vote and to be elected is proven solely and exclusively by a relevant certificate from the
    National Federation by which he is nominated, which, under penalty of invalidity of the
    candidacy, is submitted together with the candidacy proposal.
    10.2 Candidacies for the election of members of the Board of Directors and of the Audit
    Committee are proposed in writing to the Board of Directors of the WPAF at least sixty (60) days
    before the General Meeting by the National Federations which are members of the WPAF and
    have the right to vote. Each National Federation has the right to propose for election to the Board

    of Directors of the WPAF the nomination of three (5) persons for the Board of Directors and one
    (2) person for the Audit Committee. Together with the nomination proposal, the National
    Federation shall also submit a written statement of the candidate for election as a member
    regarding the acceptance of his nomination. Also, in the aforementioned proposal, the status of
    the candidate as a member of an association that promotes the sport of Pangration, has the right to
    vote and be elected, and the fact that there are no impediments, restrictions or prohibitions with
    regard to his participation must be confirmed by the National Federation. Failure to submit all the
    aforementioned supporting documents and declarations with said content will result in the
    rejection of the candidacy application. The declarations of candidacy are reviewed and validated
    by the Board of Directors of the WPAF during its meeting.
    10.3 Twenty (20) days before the elections, the list of candidate members for the Board of
    Directors and the Audit Committee is posted on the WPAF website. A copy of the list, together
    with the ballots containing the names of the candidates, as well as a table with the votin
    members of the WPAF is delivered to the Electoral Committee as soon as it assumes its duties,
    for the conduct of elections and the sorting of ballots.
    10.4 The elections for the nomination of the Board of Directors of the WPAF are conducted with
    single ballots for candidate presidents and candidate advisors of the Board of Directors and the
    Audit Committee. The ballots are divided into three (3) separate sections. In the first section,
    which is placed at the top of the ballot, the names of the presidential candidates are listed in
    alphabetical order. In the second section, the names of the candidate advisors are also listed in
    alphabetical order.
    10.5 Each elector votes for the candidate president and candidate advisors of his preference by
    placing a cross next to their name. The elector places one (1) cross for the presidential candidate
    of his preference and has the right to place crosses for advisors up to two-thirds (2/3) of the total
    number of positions to be elected including the position of the president. If, during the calculation
    of the preference crosses, a decimal number is obtained, it is in any case rounded to the next
    whole unit (i.e. the elector is entitled to place up to 9 crosses for the candidates of the second
    section). The cross is placed solely and exclusively immediately before the candidate’s name with
    a blue or black pen (not ink). Ballots with more crosses are considered invalid, but only for the
    respective section of candidates. The election process can also be carried out by electronic voting,
    electronic ballot box, electronic ballot and by proportional application of the above.
    10.6 With regard to the election of the members of the Audit Committee, a third section is placed
    on the ballot in which the candidates are listed and the above provisions are applied
    10.7 The election takes place according to the order of preference crosses collected by the
    candidates. The candidates who receive the most votes in order and until the statutory number of
    thirteen (13) as regular members for the Board of Directors and three (3) as regular members for
    the Audit Committee are reached are considered elected. The rest, in order of success, are elected
    as alternate members of the respective bodies. A candidate president who receives at least
    twenty-five percent (25%) of the valid ballots on the first vote is elected as a member of the

    Board of Directors, occupying the position of the candidate advisor who is elected having
    received the least number of preference crosses. In the event of a tie between two or more
    presidential candidates, the vote is repeated between said candidates. If the second vote results in
    another tie, the president is elected by an absolute majority of all the elected councilors during the
    first meeting of the Board of Directors convened for the purpose of constituting it in a body. In
    the event of a tie between candidate advisors, if those who have tied have received the fewest
    preference crosses, the final ranking is done by drawing lots before the Electoral Committee. The
    number of candidates from each gender must be at least equal to one-third (1/3) of the number of
    positions to be elected, including that of the president. If, the calculation based on the
    aforementioned fraction results in a decimal number, it shall be rounded to the next whole unit.
    10.8 Anyone who has served a total of three (3) full terms in this office may not be elected
    president of the Board of Directors of the WPAF. Anyone who has been elected to any of these
    offices two (2) consecutive times for a full term may not be elected vice-president, secretary or
    treasurer of the Board of Directors of the WPAF. A person, who has served for two (2)
    consecutive terms in any of the offices mentioned in this paragraph, may be re-elected to such a
    position if a period of two (2) years has elapsed.
    10.9 A candidate is not allowed to be elected as a member of the Board of Directors, the Audit
    Committee or any other body provided for by the Charter or the Regulations of the WPAF, if:
    a) He/she falls within the impediments or limitations herein.
    b) During the last two years prior to the submission of his candidacy, he/she is a member of the
    Board of Directors or a body of a sports Federation that promotes another sport.
    c) He/she is an employee of the WPAF or another sports association or Federation.
    d) He/she has a contract of dependent employment or works contract or contract for the provision
    of independent services with a S.A. or a limited liability company or any kind of commercial
    company, as long as their object of business is the marketing or manufacturing of any kind ofsporting goods.
    e) He/she has been convicted of serious offenses punishable by imprisonment of more than one
    (1) year.
    f) Disciplinary proceedings are pending against him by the WPAF for a misdemeanor for which a
    penalty of permanent removal is provided.
    10.10 During elections in the WPAF, the presence of the electors in person is required, as they
    are proposed by the National Federations which are members of the WPAF, and participation by
    proxy is prohibited.
    10.11 Electoral Committee: Whenever a secret vote is required, in accordance with this Charter,
    it is conducted at the General Meetings under the care of a Three-Member Electoral Committee,
    whose members are elected by open vote by the body of members of the General Meeting, and
    which are not allowed (in the event of elections) to be candidates for election in the bodies of the
    WPAF or (in the event of taking decisions on trust issues) they are not allowed to be persons for
    whom the secret vote is held. For all its actions, the Electoral Committee draws up minutes,
    which are signed by its members.

    10.12 In particular, the election of the Federation’s Administration bodies is conducted by a three-
    member Electoral Committee chaired by a representative of the judicial authority, who must be a
    lawyer appointed to the Supreme Court. The chairman of the Electoral Committee and his deputy,
    in the event that the chairman is unavailable, are appointed by the Athens Bar Association, i.e.
    the district in which the Federation is based, following its request. Without the participation of
    the judicial representative, it is not allowed to proceed with the elections. The remaining two (2)
    members of the Electoral Committee and an equal number of alternates are elected by the
    General Meeting.
    10.13. The Board of Directors and the Audit Committee are constituted in a body within a month
    following the call of the President. Board officers are elected by secret ballot after nominations
    are submitted. In the event of a tie, the vote is repeated; in the event of a new tie, a lottery is held.
    11.1 The annual financial period of the WPAF is calculated from January 1st to December 31st of
    each year.
    11.2 The Treasurer will be responsible for organizing the collection of revenue, planning and
    fulfilling the financial obligations of the WPAF. Furthermore, prepares
    a) The draft report on the income collected and expenses incurred in the period between General
    b) The draft income and expenditure budgets to be carried out until the next General Meeting.
    c) The draft report and budget must first be approved by the Board of Directors and then ratified
    by the General Meeting.
    11.3 The Treasurer keeps and updates the WPAF’s Income-Expenses Record and supervises the
    entry of every transaction in it. The Accounting Record will be subject to a professional audit by
    an independent body that will be carried out every year, before being reviewed by the Audit
    Committee and the General Meeting.
    11.4 Each National Federation which is a member of the WPAF pays to the WPAF’s Fund, an
    annual membership fee on or before the date on which membership was approved, the amount of
    which will be determined by the Board of Directors and approved by the General Meeting. Any
    National Federation that does not meet the deadline for payment of the annual membership fee
    may attend the General Meeting only as an observer and it will not be given the right to vote, and
    if it violates the payment rules of the membership registration for two consecutive years, it shall
    be automatically deleted from the membership status of the WPAF.
    11.5 The President of the WPAF in collaboration and cooperation with the Treasurer and the
    General Secretary shall handle any bank and other monetary account of the Federation, and shall
    be authorized to make payments on behalf of the WPAF and sign all payment remittances for the
    11.6 Annual Membership Fee: Each National Federation which is a member of the WPAF is
    obliged to pay its annual membership fee defined by a decision of the General Meeting. The

    membership fee is the same for all members without exceptions. A member who does not pay its
    membership fee shall be deleted by a decision of the Board of Directors which is ratified by the
    next General Meeting.
    11.7 Television – Radio Broadcasts: The WPAF has the exclusive right to rebroadcast live or
    taped all the sports meetings of Pangration through audiovisual or audio or online transmission
    media and the income of any kind that derives from them. The WPAF may assign the above right
    to the Continental Pangration Committees and the National Federations which are members of
    the WPAF upon their prior request.
    12.1 With a simple majority of the representatives of the members, the General Meeting approves
    the general and special Regulations and any others deemed necessary by the Board of Directors
    or its General Meeting for its best functioning, and in particular the Internal Regulation of the
    WPAF which constitutes an integral part of this Charter (1st Annex herein) and regulates issues
    a. Organizational issues
    b. Issues related to matches
    c. Technical coaching issues
    d. Matters of Refereeing, Referees and Judges
    e. Challenges, objections, etc., so that the needs of the WPAF are met in the best way and the
    work of the National and Continental Federations is facilitated.
    12.2 The Regulations are not allowed to conflict with the Charter of the WPAF, and in any event,
    the Charter of the WPAF supersedes them.
    13.1 The WPAF shall keep books and records as required by the sports law of Greece, validated,
    signed by the president and the Secretary General and certified by an official state authority for
    the supervision of sports bodies, if required. Those shall include the following:
    a. Registry of Members
    b. Minutes of General Meetings
    c. Minutes of Board Meetings
    d. Income-Expense Records
    e. Registry of Assets
    f. Registry of incoming and outgoing documents (Register)
    14.1 For the amendment of the Charter of the WPAF, the presence of half plus one (1/2 + 1) of
    the representatives of its Members which are not in arrears and have voting rights is required, and
    a decision of the General Meeting by a three-quarters (3/4) majority of at least those present.

    14.2 For the dissolution of the WPAF, the presence of at least three quarters (3/4) of the
    representatives of its Members which are not in arrears and have voting rights is required, and a
    decision of the General Meeting by a four-fifths (4/5) majority of those present. The WPAF is
    also dissolved in the cases stipulated by Greek Law.
    14.3 In the event of dissolution, the WPAF will be put into liquidation by the Court of First
    Instance of Athens, Greece and its assets, following the liquidation, shall be transferred to the
    General Secretariat of Sports, to serve the sports needs of Pangration. Upon dissolution, no assets
    shall be distributed among the members.
    14.4 All issues that are not covered by this Charter or the Internal Regulation or that are
    considered ambiguous shall be regulated by relevant provisions of the Regulations and the
    decisions of the General Meeting.
    1st ANNEX
  1. Palaismata (Men’s Pairs, Women’s Pairs, Mixed Pairs: predefined self-defense techniques,
    without pause).
  2. Polydamas (Men’s Teams, Women’s Teams, Mixed Teams of four athletes: predefined self-
    defense techniques against traditional weapons, without pause).
  3. Agon Imiepafis (semi-contact in single and team matches).
  4. Agon Pangration (full contact in single and team matches).
  5. Pleris Agon (full contact in single and team matches).
  6. Kato Pangration (on the ground in single and team matches).
  7. Pyx-Lax (in an upright position in single and team matches).
    Championships are held annually for all the athletic events of Pangation, for athletes who are at
    least 15 years old, in four (4) palaistras (rings). They last at least three (3) days, not counting the
    arrival-departure days of the teams and athletes. The BD may allow for younger athletes to
    compete or reduce the age categories. World Championships are held on even years and
    Continental Championships on odd years. The WPAF organizes / approves also other
    competitions of the NFs, according to the proposals of the TCC, such as World Cups,
    International Tournaments, Coaches – Referees – Judges Schools, Training Camps, Workshops,
    Conferences and Educational – Developmental Excursions.
    If a NF wishes to organize an Event or Competition, according to the Regulations of the WPAF,
    it must submit a relevant request and contract until the 1st of November of the year prior to the
    Event or Competition. The Event or Competition is supervised – reviewed by the WPAF, with

    whom the CPC collaborates, to which the Organizing National Federation (ONF) belongs to. The
    President of the OC supervises every international event. If it is approved, it is registered at the
    schedule of the WPAF. The ONF appoints an Event Organizing Committee and sends to the
    WPAF a relevant dossier for the Event, at least six (6) months prior to the start of the Event, with
    the following information:
  • Details concerning the reception of the teams, transportation and cost, the address of the Venue
    and the hotels (address, accommodation cost per person) where the participants will stay and the
    officials of the WPAF will be accommodated.
  • Email for the sending of requests for the issuance of visas (if required).
  • Fixture for the Event, accreditation and weighing schedule.
    The ONF invites the NF and the refereeing representatives, informing them of the
    aforementioned. Any visa invitations are sent at least two (2) months prior to the Event.
    In the Championships, the athletes must be valid accredited members of their NFs. The ONF
    must pay to the WPAF an amount of 20 Euro per athlete for World Championships Events, and
    an amount of 15 Euro per athlete for any other Competition, these amounts can be reconsidered
    upon the decision of the WPAF.
    The Coaches and the Hellanodikes (Referees) and Judges must submit to the TC and the RJC
    their Membership Booklet or the WPAF Identity Card prior to any Competition.
    The ONF one month prior to the start of the Competition must pay to the WPAF an amount of
    3000 Euro as guarantee for the World Championships Events, 2000 Euro for Continental
    Championships Events, 1000 Euro for any other Competition, amounts that the GM of the WPAF
    may readjust. Those amounts are deducted from the amount that the ONF is obliged to pay for
    the participating athletes. In case of default of the agreed the money shall remain at the WPAF to
    cover expenses arising from organizational shortcomings or other reasons.
    The NFs must pay to the ONF a participation fee for each of their athletes, as defined by the
    notice of the Event. The ONF is liable for any events that occur 48 hours prior to the start of the
    Event and up to 24 hours after the end of the Event. The WPAF is not liable in any way.
    The ONF shall cover the transportation costs in economy class for the President of the OC, three
    (3) officials and one (1) employee of the WPAF and full accommodation costs starting at 48
    hours prior to the start of the Event and up to 24 hours after the end of the Event.
    The ONF provides means of transport to the participants from the stations, the airports and the
    accommodations, as well as between the sports and training area to the hotels that is has
    indicated. Means of transport (buses, mini-bus, taxi, cars, etc) are available for the referees, the
    VIP, the Presidents and other officials that accompany the teams. The ONF can place its seal or
    appellation on sporting goods, garments, footwear, promotional items, etc.
    The ONF publishes the Event, with articles in the media, with posters, brochures and press
    conferences. No one can advertise Pangration Competitions without the written consent of the
    WPAF nor use its name, logo and seal.
    The ONF must have an information office at the main hotel or the Venue for 48 hours prior to the
    start of the Event and up to 24 hours after the end of the Event. The office is responsible for

    receiving teams on arrival / departure at the airport or stations, the allocation of hotel rooms
    board, transport advice, providing information for the smooth organization of the Competition
    and provide information regarding the historical and cultural aspects of the country. It distributes
    programs and newsletters to participants.
    The ONF must have a room with a copying machine, internet, for administrative tasks such as
    entry fees, accommodation fees (if mentioned on the notice of the Event), final entries, etc.
    The age, ethnicity and health of the athletes is certified by a passport or identity card and health
    certificate (in English) during accreditation and weighing, which is supervised by the refereeing
    manager. The official weigh-in takes place the day before the Competition, in separate areas for
    men and women. Athletes check their weight in available scales, similar to those used for the
    official weigh-in takes, as many times as they want. The ONF shall provide one person in every
    scale. If weight tolerance is allowed, it must be mentioned on the notice of the Event, without
    exceeding 100 grams.
    The draw shall take place the day before the Event with the help of representatives of the WPAF,
    from the software of the WPAF or the ONF. The result shall be distributed to the NFs. From the
    software of the WPAF or the ONF, the fixtures of the matches, the weigh-in sheets, the matches
    and scores sheets and the full results shall be printed.
    In the Venue there must be plasma screens at every palaistra (ring) connected to a computer that
    operates with the software of the WPAF or the ONF, for audiovisual information to spectators
    and athletes (athletes names, ethnicity, points, time, results).
    The palaistra (ring) is 11×11 meters, with markings and colors according to the Rules of the
    WPAF. Near each palaistra (ring) there is a table for five (5) people of the secretariat (operator of
    electronic panel, timer and assistant, referee and substitute), for whom the ONF is responsible to
    provide. In each side of the palaistra (ring) there are four (4) chairs for the perimeter referees,
    unless a different number of seated referees is required. There are chairs for VIPs, employees and
    medical personnel, with at least two (2) doctors. The athletes must be seated as close as possible
    to the palaistras (rings), with direct access to them. Near the athletes there must be a warm-up
    area with palaistras (rings). Non-authorized individuals cannot remain at the matches Venue and
    its surrounding area. The ONF must provide a general announcer (in English and in the language
    of the ONF) and a ceremony manager with three (3) assistants.
    In the opening ceremony, athletes parade with the flag and the name of their country in English or
    abbreviated by the IOC, in alphabetic order, and the ONF is last. The National Emblem or the
    National colors of the athletes must be located left on the shoulder of the garment and at the
    bottom of the shorts. Any advertisements cover a maximum of half of the clothing. The referees
    follow. The Coaches of the NFs wear the official sports uniform of their country. The flags of the
    ONF and the WPAF are raised. The President of the ONF and distinguished individuals may
    deliver a speech or greet. The total time must not exceed twenty (20) minutes.
    In the award ceremony, the athletes wear a sports uniform of their NF and line up behind the
    podium in the following order: 2-1-3-3. Their names, ethnicity and ranking is announced, as well
    as the names and titles of the officials who will award the medals, starting with the bronze,

    followed by the silver, the gold and any other awards. The flags must be raised simultaneously
    with the national anthem (short version) of the winner. A diploma of participation is awarded to
    all participants.
    The ONF must cover all expenses in order for the athletes urine samples to be tested at an anti-
    doping laboratory accredited by the WADA/IOC.
    One NF is allowed to include in its team an athlete of another NF, if the athlete has official
    documentation of nationality or neutrality or permanent residence in the country of the new NF
    and the concerned new NF has filed a written request to the WPAF, attaching a copy of its letter
    to the “former” NF of the athlete, with which it requests its “Non-objection”. The request is
    denied if the “former” NF submits to the WPAF a written objection, but if it does not respond, it
    shall be deemed as it has consented.
    It is forbidden for a non-Coach of the WPAF or a suspended coach to teach Pangration or give
    instructions at a Pangration match.
    If any representative of a NF, before or during the Event, believes that the Charter or the Internal
    Regulation of the WPAF or the notice terms of the Event have not been adhered to or that a
    decision of the WPAF or the Technical Regulations of the sport have been breached, can submit a
    written objection. The objection may include a petition for Disqualification of a team or an
    athlete, Exemption of a Referee and Judge, Cancelation of a result, Cancelation of the whole
    series (weight category) of an athlete.
    The objection is signed by an authorized representative who deposits a fee of 200 Euro, which the
    WPAF may readjust. If the objection is accepted the amount is returned, if the objection is denied
    the amount is withheld by the WPAF. The hearing takes place in the presence of the appellant
    and the decision is made before the end of the Competition. The appellant submits arguments or
    evidences to the relevant Committee, whose decision is irrevocable.
    If the objection relates to an irregular team participation or to qualifications of an athlete for
    participation in the Event or to a violation that is ascertained before the end of the participation
    applications, it is submitted before the selection of the competitors for each round and the
    decision is made before the start of the Event.
    The WPAF appoints a President and a Vice-President of the Objections Committee and only one
    member is appointed by the ONF. Each member of the Committee is excluded from making
    decisions concerning his country.
    The Hellanodikes (Referees) and Judges are not active athletes. The Referees and Judges of each
    NF are approved by the RJC, a decision that is subject to the final ratification of the WPAF. They
    are dressed according to the regulations of the Pangration and the decisions of the BD.
    Hellanodiki (Referee)/Judge D (aged 22 and over). Has good technical knowledge of the sport
    and has successfully completed the Referee’s and Judges Seminars.

    Hellanodiki (Referee)/Judge C (aged 24 and over). Participated as Referee/Judge D in two (2)
    National Federation Championships and two (2) Referee’s and Judges Seminars.
    Hellanodiki (Referee)/Judge B (aged 26 and over). Participated as Referee/Judge C in two (2)
    National Federation Championships and two (2) Referee’s and Judges Seminars.
    Hellanodiki (Referee)/Judge A (aged 28 and over). Participated as Referee/Judge B in two (2)
    National Federation Championships and two (2) Referee’s and Judges Seminars.
    International Hellanodiki (Referee)/Judge (aged 30 and over). Participated as Referee/Judge A
    in four (4) National Federation Championship, in a Continental or World Referee’s and Judges
    Seminar in which he was evaluated and awarded the title of International Referee/Judge. Has
    good knowledge of English and Greek terminology regarding matches.
    The NFs submit to the WPAF before the end of October a status list with Referees/Judges A
    which will be included in Seminars and Championships in order to be evaluated as International
    Every certified Referee/Judge of the WPAF can offer his services to any NF that acknowledges
    his rank and registers him/her to its National Referee’s and Judges Body without further
  1. The coaches of each NF are approved by the TC, a decision that is subject to the final
    ratification of the WPAF. The NFs submit to the WPAF before the end of October a status list
    containing information and the ranks of coaches who successfully completed the examinations of
    the NF, along with their individual “Membership Booklets” of the WPAF. In fifty (50) days, the
    WPAF returns the Booklets sealed, after verifying that the aforementioned procedures were
    Coach C (aged 23 and over). Has the rank “Pangratiastis 2” of the WPAF and basic education
    with titles of his/her National Federation.
    Coach B (aged 26 and over). Has the rank “Pangratiastis 3” of the WPAF and basic education
    with titles of his/her National Federation. Has participated in two (2) Coaches Seminars and has
    served as Coach C for three (3) years.
    Coach A (aged 30 and over). Has the rank “Pangratiastis 4” of the WPAF and basic education
    with titles of his/her National Federation. Has participated in three (3) Coaches Seminars and has
    served as Coach B for four (4) years.
    International Coach (aged 35 and over). Has the rank “Pangratiastis 5” of the WPAF and basic
    education with titles of his/her National Federation. Has participated in four (4) Coaches
    Seminars and has served as Coach A for five (5) years.
    Every certified Coach of the WPAF can offer his services to any NF that acknowledges his rank
    and registers him/her to its National Coaches Body without further examinations.

    Grade in English Rank – Title Minimum Requisites
    [PAN 1]
    Must have completed ONE (1) year training from
    the examination date of A TAXIS (Alpha Grade )
    and after attaining a minimum age of 18 years .
    [PAN 2]
    Must have completed TWO (2) years training
    from the examination date for PAGRATIASTIS 1
    [PAN 3]
    Ekpedeftis 1 INSTRUCTOR
    Must have completed THREE (3) years training
    from the examination date for PAGRATIASTIS 2
    and after submission of a written thesis
    [PAN 4]
    Ekpedeftis 2 INSTRUCTOR Must have completed FOUR (4) years training
    from the examination date for PAGRATIASTIS 3 .
    [PAN 5]
    Epikefalis Ekpedeftis 1
    Must have completed FIVE (5) years training
    from the examination date for PAGRATIASTIS 4
    and after submission of a written thesis.
    [PAN 6]
    Epikefalis Ekpedeftis 2
    Must have completed SIX (6) years training from
    the examination date for PAGRATIASTIS 5
    [PAN 7]
    Based on merit and evaluation of his/her
    personal contribution to the NATIONAL
    propagation of Pagration in his/her Nation and
    after SEVEN (7) years from the examinations
    PAGRATIASTIS 6 . Submission of a written
    thesis required.
    [PAN 8]
    Based on merit and evaluation of his/her
    personal contribution to CONTINENTAL
    propagation of Pagration . After EIGHT (8) years
    from the examination date for PAGRATIASTIS 7 .
    [PAN 9]
    Based on merit and evaluation of his/her
    personal contribution to the INTERNATIONAL
    propagation of Pagration. After NINE [9] years
    from examination date for PAGRATIASTIS 8 and
    after attaining a minimum age of 50 years.

    [PAN 10]
    Based on merit and evaluation of his/her
    personal contribution to the INTERNATIONAL
    propagation of Pagration. After TEN [10] years
    from awarding of PAGRATIASTIS 9 and after
    attaining a minimum age of 60 years.
    The people of the WPAF exhibit appropriate conduct in accordance with the sportsmanship,
    namely competition within the context of “fair play”, unpaid sports offer, law-abiding and
    decorous lifestyle, humility, modesty, decency, self-criticism, respect and discipline in the
    hierarchy of the sport, respect for social values, especially for the values of peace, friendship,
    love, protection of the weakest and minorities, respect for humans and animals, protection of the
    As unsportsmanlike conduct and disciplinary infringement are considered the following: the
    manifestation of contempt (in words-deeds-omissions) of sports legislation, the defamatory
    statements regarding Pangration, anything that disrupts the smooth organization of a Competition
    or triggers tension and confrontation between fans-spectators-officials-athletes and anyone else
    involved with the sport of Pangration, any insults, abusive speech, physical-verbal assault, irony,
    rumors, insinuations, derogatory statements, inappropriate appearance or posture, inappropriate
    gestures, obscene language, indiscipline, rudeness, as well as anything that is considered a
    disciplinary infringement, even though it is not explicitly mentioned. The conduct pertains not
    only to Pangration Competitions but also to public general conduct.
    Any Body or individual of WPAF that has infringed a Decision or the Charter or the Internal
    Regulation or has acted against its purposes or interests, can be expunged or banned from
    participating in activities of the WPAF for a time period. Same or smaller penalty is imposed to a
    NF if a former official (Administrative Official – Coach – Athlete) of the NF commits an
    infringement in the following two (2) years, after he/she ceased to belong to the NF. The NF is
    obliged to condemn it, something which is taken into account for the imposition or not of the
    The NFs cannot withdraw athletes and teams from Competitions, insomuch that they submitted a
    written participation request, unless due to illness or force majeure, which if it is not accepted by
    the WPAF, a penalty is imposed.
    The display of political, religious, racist or controversial symbols is forbidden, as well as the
    relevant propaganda at the Venue and immediate area of the Competition. If that happens, the
    offenders and the ONF shall be penalized.
    NFs that don’t submit their annual report within the prescribed period, are subject to penalty.
    Elected members or members of the Committees are expunged if they are absent from three (3)
    consecutive meetings of the corresponding Body, without a written justification. If the
    justification is deemed inadequate from the corresponding Body, the expunging is carried out.

    The RJC replaces or suspends Referees – Judges – Observers for questionable performance of
    their duties during Championships of the WPAF.
    Unfavorable reports regarding the conduct and performance of Referees/Judges or Coaches might
    incur a penalty or their re-evaluation. The Referees/Judges do not discuss Matches decisions with
    third parties, otherwise they might get penalized.
    An athlete that fails to be present for a standard/mandatory or unannounced doping control test
    for two (2) consecutive times or has used substances which are forbidden by WADA/IOC faces
    exclusion penalty of two (2) years or lifelong exclusion from every Championship.
    The penalties are imposed by the BD, after the judged Body or individual has been called to
    account. The penalties can be altered or overturned by the GM. The simultaneous referral of more
    than one members for the imposition of a penalty is prohibited.
    Penalties for National Federations. Written warning with notification to all the NFs, exemption
    from Competitions of the WPAF for no more than two (2) years. Expulsion from the WPAF by
    decision of the BD that is subject to the ratification of the GM. During the imposition or not of
    the penalty to a NF, the NF does not vote. The simultaneous referral of more than one NF is
    Penalties for Athletes. Written warning with notification to all the NFs, ban on participating in
    Competitions of the WPAF and his/her NF for no more than two (2) years, expunging from the
    Registry of the WPAF.
    Penalties for Coaches. Written warning with notification to all the NFs, ban on participating in
    Competitions of the WPAF and his/her NF for no more than two (2) years, financial penalty,
    expunging from the Registry of the WPAF and his/her NF.
    Penalties for Observers – Referees – Judges – Victory Points Secretariats. Written warning
    with notification to all the NFs, ban on participating in Competitions of the WPAF and his/her
    NF for no more than two (2) years, expunging from the Registry of the WPAF and his/her NF.
    Penalties for members of the Board of Directors of the WPAF and the Continental
    Pangration Committees. The BD, without involving the Disciplinary and Ethics Committee, can
    refer the matter to the GM for the exclusion from administrative duties or the permanent
    expunging of the wrongdoer. Otherwise it imposes the penalty of the written warning or th
    written warning with notification to all the NFs.
    Penalties that are imposed by NFs are sent to the WPAF and the corresponding CPC, with all the
    evidence, within fifteen (15) days. The BD of the WPAF can impose penalties, regardless of
    whether a certain NF has initiated proceedings against the wrongdoer for the same infringement.
    2nd ANNEX

  2. All persons belonging to the National Federations as Members of the W.P.A.F. , as Pangratiastes
    (athletes), Coaches, Hellanodikes and members of the Executive and other Administrative Committees
    must show absolute respect for the provisions regarding appropriate behavior and also for the
    sportsmanship of the games which consists of:
    a) fair competition and “fair play”
    b) law-abiding and decent lifestyle
    c) respect and discipline towards the hierarchy of the sport
    d) absolute respect for social values and especially the values of peace, friendship, love, respect for human
    life, protection of nature, protection of the weakest, unpaid sporting contribution, humility, decency and
  3. Any kind of contempt, by word or deed, towards sports law and sports spirit is a disciplinary offense
    and will be considered as unsportsmanlike conduct. Visible disregard for the above principles and
    therefore obvious unsportsmanlike conduct will be considered a disciplinary offense and basically consists
    of the following misconduct:
    a) Physical Assault
    b) Verbal Abuse and use of Obscene language
    c) Provocative and Irritating Obstruction
    d) All acts of indiscipline and rudeness during matches and technical seminars
  4. Disputes between any members of the WPAF., whether legal or otherwise, shall be resolved by:
    a) The Board of Directors and the General Assembly of WPAF in accordance with the Statute, the Internal
    Regulation and the provisions of this certified document.
    b) The Judicial/Disciplinary Committee of WPAF in accordance with the provisions of this Internal
    The members of the Board of Directors of the WPAF, the members of its bodies and committees,
    the members of the National Federations which are members of the WPAF and their officials as
    well as the officials of their member associations, the officials of the games, Greek referees,
    coaches, the athletes and all persons related, in any capacity, to the conduct of the games, as well
    as sports associations, are obliged to comply with this Charter, the Regulations of the WPAF, the
    decisions of its bodies and the provisions of the disciplinary code, to behave in sports relations as
    dictated by decency, orderliness and the general ethics of sports, to uphold the principles of
    sportsmanship, the traditions of sports and the Olympic Ideal. Furthermore, the persons who
    attend or participate, in any capacity and in any way, in the general competitive activity of the

    WPAF must contribute to ensuring conditions for the smooth conduct of sports meetings, to the
    extent of their responsibilities. Any public unfavorable statement or other action by athletes,
    coaches, members of Administrations and officials that may disturb the orderly conduct of a
    sports meeting or trigger tension and confrontation between sports fans is prohibited. The
    aforementioned persons must refrain from behaviors that constitute defamation of the sport of
    Pangration. Any act or omission on or off the playing field that discredits the sport in the minds
    of the sports fans or is specifically provided for in the relevant Regulations of the WPAF is
    considered defamation of the sport of Pangration. As defamation of the sport and the disciplines
    cultivated by the WPAF, are also considered the offensive or abusive or unfavorable judgments
    expressed in any way and at any time against the sports authorities, the members of the Board of
    Directors of the WPAF, the members of its bodies and committees, the coaches, the employees
    and associates of the WPAF, etc., the statutory sports jurisdictional bodies and committees, the
    referees and their bodies and committees, as well as the staff of the aforementioned bodies and
    committees, and also at the expense of another member, any Continental Federation, its officials,
    athletes, coaches and Administrative officials.
    Violation of the aforementioned constitutes a disciplinary offense, punishable by the penalties
    defined below and in the relevant Regulation, after the culpable party has previously been
    summoned to an apology.
    The oversight of persons subject to disciplinary offenses is carried out by the competent
    Disciplinary and Ethics Committee of the WPAF or the body provided for in its Charter.
    A disciplinary offense is defined as any wrongful conduct, act or omission that constitutes a
    violation of the aforementioned obligations (even if not described or referred to in the
    disciplinary Regulations or the Charter) by the persons referred to in paragraph 1 herein and is
    punished with the penalties defined in the Charter and the relevant Regulation.
    5.1. The penalties imposed by the W.P.A.F. put into effect by its Judicial/Disciplinary Committee
    is the following:
    a) Penalties against National Federations
    1) Official written Warning to the relevant Federation and a copy to all W.P.A.F. Member
    Federations. for their information.
    2) Temporary exemption from ALL Pangration championships. This temporary ban cannot
    exceed a period of two (2) years.
    3) Any Federation Member of W.P.A.F. may be expelled from the W.P.A.F. if a valid decision of
    the Board of Directors is duly ratified at the General Meeting by a majority of fifty one hundred
    plus one (50% + 1) votes of the Full members present and who have fully complied with their
    financial obligations.

    4) In cases of expulsion of an errant Member Federation, the Board of Directors of the W.P.A.F.
    will take the necessary measures for the immediate establishment of a new National Pangration
    Federation in the country and give the new federation legal valid support and Recognition.
    b) Penalties for the Pangratiastes (athletes)
    1) Official written warning to the person involved and a copy to all W.P.A.F. Member
    Federations. for their information.
    2) Temporary ban on the athlete from participating in any sporting event of the W.P.A.F. for a
    period of two (2) years.
    3) Absolute prohibition for the athlete to participate in any sporting event of the W.P.A.F. or its
    Federation. This prohibition cannot exceed two (2) years from the date of the violation.
    4) Final deletion of the athlete’s name from the W.P.A.F. register. and of the CPC
    c) Penalties imposed on Pangratiastes (athletes) by their National Federations
    Notification of the imposition of any Penalty imposed on a Pangration athlete by his/her National
    Federation must be sent by that Federation to the General Secretary of the W.P.A.F. and to the
    General Secretary of the respective CPC. together with all evidence supporting such decision and
    within (15) days of the imposition of the penalty.
    d) Penalties against Coaches
    1) Official written warning to the person involved and a copy to all Member Federations for their
    2) Temporary ban of the person involved from all W.P.A.F. events. The temporary ban cannot
    exceed a period of two (2) years. In such cases, a monetary penalty may also be imposed.
    3) Final deletion of the name of the person involved from the register of W.P.A.F. and of the
    e) Penalties against Observers – Hellanodikes – Judges – table (palaistras) Secretariats
    1) Official written warning to the person involved and a copy to all Member Federations for their
    2) Temporary ban of the person involved from all matches. The temporary exemption cannot
    exceed a period of two (2) years.
    3) Final deletion of the name of the person involved from the register of the Hellanodikes list of

    f) Penalties against members of the Board of Directors of W.P.A.F. and the CPC
    For any type of violation or inappropriate behavior of the members of the Board of Directors
    either during the execution (illegally) of their duties or any other activities related to the sport or
    related to the Hellanodikes, referees, coaches or other competent authorities, the EC of the
    W.P.AF is authorized to impose penalties on the erring member without involving the Legal
    Committee or may even refer the matter to the General Assembly ordering the final deletion of
    the erring member from the records of the W.P.A.F.
    5.2. Penalties can be in the form of:
    1) Official Written Warning of the member.
    2) Official written warning to the member and a copy to all Member Federations for their
    3) Referral to the General Assembly of W.P.A.F. or the CPC ordering the offending member to
    be punished with
    a) exclusion from his/her administrative duties and
    b) deletion from a Member of the W.P.A.F. or the Federation.
    5.3. The Board of Directors of W.P.A.F. is obliged to take corrective action against any
    misconduct of any member of the W.P.A.F. and the CPC. if such misconduct is supported in
    writing by any Member Federation or if the misconduct has been verified by at least two (2)
    Officials of the WPAF, the WPAF will conduct an immediate investigation and either the
    W.P.A.F. or the Continental Committee will decide on the course of disciplinary action to be
    5.4. In order to impose any penalty, there must be a majority of at least two-thirds (2/3) of the
    members present at the meeting of the members of the Board of Directors of the W.P.A.F. or the
    competent Continental Pangration Committee.
    5.5. In case of censure (accusation) against any member of the Board of Directors of W.P.A.F. or
    a member of the Federation or a member of the Legal Committee, the person in question does not
    have the right to participate in the relevant procedure.
    5.6. In the event of final expulsion of any offending Pangratiasti (athlete), Coach, Hellanodiki or
    administrative member of a National Federation, Continental Committee or the W.P.A.F., that
    person is forbidden to cooperate or interact in any way with any National Federation member of
    the W.P.A.F in the future.

    5.7. The Board of Directors of W.P.A.F. itself. has the power to independently impose sanctions
    and penalties on any offending member regardless of whether a member National Federation may
    have already initiated any legal or other proceedings against the offending member for the same
    5.8. Every W.P.A.F. certified Coach and Hellanodikis. has the right to offer his services either
    free of charge or with compensation to any other Member National Federation of another country
    and such Member National Federation may automatically recognize his rank and may register the
    candidate in its National Body of Hellanodikes or Coaches without requiring further
    This amended Charter and Internal Regulation of the WPAF as presented here has been approved
    by the majority of Members present at the General Meeting of the WPAF which took place on
    The President of the GM The Secretary of the GM
    Athanasios Nakasis Panagiotis Kanellopoul

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