a. Pyx – Lax (kick boxing) is the Orthostadin Pagration (fighting standing up). It consists of two parts which have as distinctive elements, the use of fists (Pyx) and kicks (Lax), without any other physical involvement or wrestling.
b. Pyx – Lax is applied in a space with boundaries of specific dimensions under application of strict rules that guarantee the physical integrity of its athletes.
c. In Pyx-Lax, the athletes have the opportunity to use modern gloves, a use which was allowed in antiquity, as historical research has shown. They also wear leggings on their feet.
d. In Pyx – Lax the participant athletes are of all age categories who participate in the Agon Imiepafis Children’s Pangration and Pangration.
e. The Pyx-Lax match is conducted in three (3) two (2) minute rounds with an interval of one (1) minute between each round. In case of a tie we have the addition of one (1) extra round, which will give the final result. In case of a large participation, the time of each round can be reduced to one (1) minute and thirty (30) seconds and the break between rounds down to thirty (30) seconds.
f. All strikes are the permissible full force that are permissible from the rules, so as to avoid injuries.
a. The competition area is called a palaestra. Blue of color and must be flat and safe, it must be covered with a durable material to facilitate falls, but not to allow any engagement of the foot.
b. The palaestra has dimensions of six by six (6×6) meters, is surrounded by four (4) ropes and has four (4) corners: one BLUE, one RED for the opponents and two WHITE for the neutral corners,
c. Friendly matches can also be played in a five-by-five (5×5) meter area without ropes.
a. Athletes must wear specific clothing which consists of two parts, the upper (t-shirt) which, depending on the position placed on the arena should be blue or red and the bottom (shorts), which is color blue. On the shorts, on the side, there will be a blue and white meander as well as on the sleeves of the blouse. Also on the blouse there will be in the area of the chest, on the left, the stamp of the federation and on the back a large stamp of the federation that write the words PYX – LAX. Depending on the position of the athletes in the palaestra, they will wear gloves (boxing) and leggings in blue or red. It is possible from the Proclamation that the athletes wear the above clothing with colors and badges of their clubs.
b. Female athletes can wear breast protection inside the blouse. Athletes can wear a protector cup inside the shorts. All athletes will be required to wear dental protectors. Any other protections are allowed only if there is a health problem and the doctor of the competition allows it so that there is no advantage over the other competitor.
c. It is forbidden for the athlete to wear any kind of jewelry during the competition and ceremonies.
d. It is allowed to wear on their right sleeve a circular sign of their rank. Whoever has the rank of Pangratiast and above wears a corresponding parallelogram sign on their left arm. Only the members of the national teams are allowed to bring the flag of their country on their shoulders.
e. The match committee can exclude any who does not comply with the above rules.
The athletes’ t-shirt and shorts will be clean, dry and without any unpleasant odor. Toenails will be cut properly. Long hair will be tied to avoid difficulty for the other athlete. The faces will be freshly shaved or they will have a mustache-beard. In general, the personal hygiene of the athletes will be at a high level. In case the above is not observed, the offender may be excluded.
a. For each agon there is one head referee, known as the Hellanodikis palaestra and two judges known as the Hellanodikes periphereias, who sit along the sides of the palaestra.
b. Secretariat (table staff): 1. General Comptroller of the Secretariat 2. Table referee (Hellanodikis Palaestra Simion) 3.Timekeeper of match 4. Secretary of the recording and conducting of the matches 5. Broadcaster 6. First attendant 7. Operator of the electronic board (if available).
c. If the number of staff is insufficient, there can be one General Comptroller for two palaestras.
d. The Secretariat gives a break between matches lasting at most 10 minutes to an athlete at his request or at his coach’s request.
e. The secretaries and time keepers are appointed by the nominating committee of the referees.
f. In case of shortage of Hellanodikes the regional committee, with the presence of a federation official, can decide a different composition of Hellanodikes to conduct the competitions from the synthesis above.
a. The permitted punching and kicking techniques are:
aa) Fist.
The area of the knuckles, under the gloves, will be the area of contact with the opponent. The directions of the fists will be straight, semicircular and hook (from bottom to top).
ab) Kicking.
All types of kicks with contact points of the shin and below the ankle. The backkick and the verticalkick will be performed with point of contact the heel.
b. Successful strikes are with:
ba) Full dynamic implementation of actions.
bb) Correct application timing.
bc) Appropriate distance from their target.
bd) Continuous intensity, attention, posture, position and self-concentration dynamics, before and after the end of the application of the beats.
c. Striking techniques that are partially repelled or simply touch, scratch or push the opponent will not be graded.
d. The score of the strikes are as follows:
da) Effective hand strike on the body or head area, one (1) point.
db) Effective kick with the foot in the area of the body or head, one (1) point.
e. Points from the strikes are granted by the Hellanodikis Periphereias are documented on the document sheet. Points from Penalties are given by the Hellanodikis Palaestras of the match and are documented in a special point in the document sheets of the Hellanodikis Periphereias.
f. If, at the end of the match, there is a tie, the final result will be judged by the procedure of Agon Klimakos (extra round). Agon Klimakos, is the extension of the race by one round and the start is performed by the Hellanodikis Palaestra announcing “AGON KLIMAKOS – ARXASTHE”. In case of a tie again then the decision of the winner is determined by the two hellanodikis Perifereias.
Striking areas that earn points are limited to the following areas:
a) Head – only front and side
b) Trunk – only front and side
c) Thighs – by performing side strokes using the shin and feet.
a. Any contact with strikes to the throat, abdomen, genitals, neck and back of the head is prohibited.
b. Strikes to the joints and kidneys are prohibited.
c. Techniques without control are prohibited.
d. Continuous retreats, turning the back to the opponent with intent, bending below the height of the belt, any kind of grip and actions that prevent the smooth development of the match or grappling of athletes are prohibited.
e. It is forbidden to leave the fighting area.
f. It is forbidden to attack an opponent who is trapped in the ropes of the fighting area.
g. It is forbidden to attack an opponent who is on the ground or moving towards the ground. An athlete is considered to be on the ground when he comes in contact with it with one hand or his knee.
h. It is forbidden to hit the opponent with the knee, elbow, head, thumb and shoulder.
i. Strikes in the back area of the torso and direct blows to the opponent’s feet are prohibited.
j. Any action is prohibited after the command “PAUSE” by the Hellanodikis Palaestra or after the bell.
k. Any unsportsmanlike conduct or deliberate action of a team or delegation, which may damage the prestige of the universal ideals which are limited by the good and virtuous ancient Greek spirit, the principles of the Olympic Idea and the Good Fight is prohibited. It can cause the exclusion or expulsion of the offender, but also of all the factors that support him.
l. It is forbidden for coaches to improperly gesture, shout and get up from their seats during the match. In case the coach does not comply with the above, his athlete can be punished. Guidance in low tones within the limits of decency is permitted.
m. All techniques must be permitted by these rules, controlled and that which causes visible or non-visible injury are penalized.
a. Penalties depending on the offense, intent and effect may be as follows:
aa) The first recommendation does not result in a penalty.
It is possible, in the judgment of the Hellanodikis Palaestra, to give up to three recommendations for the same offense before proceeding to the first official observation (Punishment).
ab) Penalty for first Observation. Two points are deducted from the offender’s points.
ac) Penalty for second Observation. Two more points are deducted from the offender’s points.
ad) Punishment of Third Observation. Disqualification of the offender.
ae) Expulsion penalty is immediately given only in exceptional cases where the offender has inappropriate behavior.
b. Only the Hellanodikis Palaestra decides on the above sentences.
c. Depending on the extent of the unsportsmanlike conduct in the context of a breach of the present rules, the Hellanodikis Palaestra may immediately impose an exclusion penalty.
d. Expulsion is imposed when an action is carried out which dishonors or offends and generally damages the prestige of the Sport or when deliberate actions are carried out which harm the Pan-National Sport and the Elite Laws. The size of the expulsion can be deletion from the event or from the next continuous events and deletion from the force of E.O.PA. following a decision of its competent bodies and is independent of who caused it, athlete, coach, agent or fan.
a. If an athlete concedes (apagorefsis), the opponent is declared the winner regardless of the time or points that have been given up to that point.
b. The athlete who has the highest score at the end of a normal duration of the agon is declared the winner unless the above paragraph applies.
c. Abandonment (engatalipsis) is given if the athlete or athletes cannot continue, or if they abandon the agon, even with the order from the Hellanodikis palaestras.
d. A coach (proponitis) has the right to declare abandonment (engatalipsis) or concession (apagorefsis) by throwing a towel into the ring while shouting “Engatalipsi” (abandonment) or “Apagorefsi” (concession).
e. If bothathletes are injured simultaneously or former injuries create a problem for both and they are incapable to continue the agon, victory is awarded to the one with the highest score.
ea. If after the injury the result is a draw, the Hellanodikis palaestras, in consultation with the Hellanodikes periphereias, will determine the winner.
eb. If the doctor decides that an injured pangratiast is not able to continue the agon, he cannot continue generally during the tournament.
f. When an athlete is injured the Hellanodikis palaestras stops the agon and calls the doctor. After the doctor’s diagnosis whether the athletet can continue, within the most two minutes (the time is monitored by the second timekeeper of the Secretariat), the Hellanodikis palaestras has the final decision for the continuation. This decision cannot be opposed to the doctor’s, if the latter orders the end of the agon due to a serious injury. If the doctor considers the temporary removal of an athlete from the palaestra is necessary, he must be accompanied by a Hellanodikis periphereias within the time span.
g. Any athlete who has been stricken and is lying on the floor from his fellow athlete, following the order of the Hellanodikis Palaestra “PAUSE” does not stand within the time limit of (10) ten seconds, a time measured by the Hellanodikis Palaestra, is considered incapable of continuing the championship and is automatically disqualified from the organization of the games on that date. In any case, the doctor is called to provide his help inside the arena.
h. In case the doctor needs help, the Hellanodikis Palaestra will be informed about the approval of the entry of an assistant in the arena. In no case is the athlete’s coach allowed to enter the palaestra.
i. Win without a fight (Niki akoniti), is granted to a pangratiast whose opponent did not appear on the palaestra, after three announcements from the Secretariat, over the course of three (3) minutes. The Hellanodikis palaestras announces «KYANOUS or KOKINOS APON» (BLUE or RED ABSENT) and indicates with his staff the empty place and then announces the victory by saying « KYANOUS or KOKINOS NIKITIS» (BLUE or RED WINNER). The Hellanodikis periphereias record in the document sheet the required position of the absent athlete and the victory of the other athlete.
j. Aim of the athletes is the “knock down” of the opponent with the use of strikes. In the third successful application of the above technique, the athlete is declared the winner due to a technical defeat of the opponent. This is written in a similar position in the document sheet by the Hellanodikis periphereias.
ja) An athlete is considered to be on the ground, after a strike or strikes when:
jaa) comes into contact with the ground with any part of his body except the soles of his feet.
jab) if weakened he rests on the ropes.
jac) if he is found outside the ropes partially or completely.
jad) if without lying, kneeling down or on the ropes standing, in a semi-conscious state, by the Hellanodikis Palaestra’s opinion cannot continue.
a. The Hellanodikis palaestras is the main official of the agon, the palaestra and the sidelines. His basic duty is to start and stop the agon, to ensure the safety of the athletes by giving verbal remarks, penalties and points from penalties.
The Hellanodikis palaestras can interrupt the agon in the following cases:
aa) To make remarks or to assess penalties.
ab) In case of injury or illness.
ac) To impose a correction or change of outfits.
ad) After a signal from a Hellanodikis periphereias (who whistles or lifts his hand), if the Hellanodikis palaestras decides that this is appropriate.
Remarks or penalties from the Hellanodikis palarstras must be enforced when:
aa) One or both athletes are out of the palaestra.
ab) One or both athletes exhibit unsportsmanlike behavior or dangerous play (episfalis).
ac) In the case of inexcusable lack of engagement between the athletes.
ad) When a representative from an athlete’s team (coach, member of the same team, agent, fan, and so on) behaves improperly during an agon, by offending the spirit and value of the Pangration.
The Hellanodikis palaestras must interrupt the agon in the following cases:
aa) At the end of the match.
ab) At the end of the ten (10) seconds count.
b. The Hellanodikis periphereias has the following duties and responsibilities:
ba) Total control and supervision of the palaestra and the surrounding area.
bb) To grant points and to determine the winner.
bc) To express his opinion freely to the Hellanodikis palaestras, when it is requested.
bd) He can ask for the interruption of the agon by lifting his hand or whistling, if he observes a violation of the laws that the Hellanodikis palaestras cannot see. This interruption should never be connected to judgments or decisions of the Hellanodikis palaestras.
c) The Hellanodikes wear a garment that consists of a red blouse and a black trousers, on the blouse there will be on the chest area, on the left, the mark of the federation and on the back a large mark of the federation that write the words PYX – LAX, with the stamp of the federation.
d. All Hellanodikes should:
da) Before the beginning of the agon, know the sound of the bell that ends the agon and should ensure that everything is in order at the Secretariat.
db) To check the condition of the palaestra, the area around it and that the chairs of the Hellanodikis periphereias and coaches (proponites) are in the right position.
dc) The Hellanodikis periphereias will ensure that the ahtletes comply with the rules regarding their outfit, hygiene etc. They will also ensure that there are no unauthorized persons near the palaestra.
dd)To observe the athletes during the agon and during time outs for any misbehavior.
de) Whenever a scoreboard is used the Hellanodikes periphereias will not observe the results or time of the agon, this is only for the Hellanodikis Palaestras Simion and the administrator. In any case of difference with the correct score (on the paper form), a correction will be made with no announcement.
12. MATCH (agon) CONDUCT.
a. The Hellanodikis palaestras is in the position provided in the relevant manual, after the completion of the standard greeting.
b. The Hellanodikis palaestras makes the announcement « LAVETE THESIS» (“take your positions”), so that the pangratiasts proceed to the starting position of the agon.
c. The Hellanodikis palaestras makes the announcement « ETIMI» (“ready”), and the pangratiasts face each other. He will say «CHAIRETISMOS HEN» (“salute”), and the pangratiasts will salute each other while saying «ERROSO». Then the Hellanodikis palaestras announces «ARKSASTHE» (“begin”), and the agon begins.
d. The salute is executed by extending the right hand in a grasping motion. At the full extension of the hand, the hand closes to a fist and immediately the hand is brought to the temple. The knuckles should touch the temple with the thumb of the fist facing downwards. At the moment that the fist makes contact with the forehead the athletes verbally salute each other.
e. The Hellanodikis palaestras announces «PAFSASTHE» (“stop”) when he wants to stop the agon, or if he is required to do so, and he places the pangratiasts in the starting position or wherever he chooses.
f. The agon clock starts whenever the Hellanodikis palaestras indicates the beginning of the agon with the command «ARKSASTHE» (“begin”) and stops whenever he says «PAFSASTHE» (“stop”) and «AKINITI» (freeze).
g. A successful attack after the bell is not considered valid, but may also result in a penalty against the athlete.
h. The Hellanodikis palaestras points with his staff towards the pangratiast who commits an offence, then verbally announces the type of offense, e.g. «ΚΥΑΝΟUS – ΑΝΤΙΑTHLITIKOS» (“blue unsportsmanlike behavior”), «ΚΥΑΝOUS – ΕXODOS» (“blue – out of bounds”).
i. If a penalty is accompanied by a point or points, then the Hellanodikis palaestras after announcing the penalty, saysE.g. «ΚΥΑΝOUS, ΑΝΤΙΑTHLITIKOS MION DIO SHMEIA» (“blue unsportsmanlike behavior, minus two points”).
j. In any case of a “Knockdown”, the Hellanodikis palaestras immediately counts the seconds after instructing the opponent to move to a neutral position (white corner) in the palaestra. The opposing athlete must move immediately. In case the athlete does not obey then the Hellanodikis palaestras stops the count until the order is completed. The count will continue from the last number announced.
k. The seconds are counted with a second rest between them and by pointing the corresponding fingers at the athlete involved to ensure time recognition by him.
l. In any case where an athlete is “knockdown” from a strike, the Hellanodikis palaestras will count the seconds and will not start before counting up to eight seconds, although the athlete involved seems prepared by raising his hands. Also, if the athlete does not raise his hands showing his readiness, then the Hellanodikis palaestras continues the count for up to ten (10) seconds and the agon ends.
m. In the event that the bell rings during the countdown of seconds, the countdown continues. In case the counting ends in ten seconds then the victory is given to the opponent athlete.
n. In case of a “knockdown” from strikes and counting up to eight seconds, the match continues and without any contact from the opponent athlete, the athlete involved comes in contact with the ground again, then the Hellanodikis palaestras will start the count again, but continuing from number eight (8).
Before the start of each category agon (of individuals or teams), all the officials (Hellanodikis palaestras and the Hellanodikes perifereias) stand at the center of the outer edge of the palaestra, facing the Secretariat. The blue athletes stand to the right of the officials, the red athletes to the left. A Hellanodikis gives the oath. Once the announcement «ETOIMOI, CHAIRETISMOS HEN» is made by the Hellanodikis palaestras, the athletes salute their opponents by saying «ERROSTHE».
At the end of each category agon, the athletes will salute each other in the same way
a. Any problem that occurs with a written protest that is registered before, during, or after the matches, no matter what competitive form it takes, is to be resolved only by the Committee of officials, when it presents itself.
b. An «instant protest» is also provided to the coach during every agon so he can protest with the usage of a green card that is given to him before each agon.
c. The usage of the card is only for one time during each agon. When the coach, in a stand up position, lifts up his card the agon is interrupted in an appropriate time when the Hellanodikis palaestras decides. The athlete of the coach is then asked if he agrees with the initiation of the protest process. If the athlete does not agree then the agon continues. If he agrees then all the Hellanodikes of the ring are informed of the protest and decide for their further actions. In the case that the Hellanodikes decide (with the chairman of the Hellanodikes, his representative or the General Hellanodikis palaestras if needed) that the protest is valid, actions will be taken to vindicate the protest and the card is returned to the coach for usage until the end of the agon. In case the decision is that the protest is not valid, then the agon continues having under consideration a possible penalty to the athlete if the decision is protested again from the coach or member of the team. The Hellanodikes decision is final and should be taken in a few minutes after the initiation of the protest procedure. Further protest for the particular incident can not be taken after the agon. This process is implemented to improve the circumstances and the general image of the competition, also to give a more righteous outcome of the score. Unsportsmanlike usage of this privilege from the coaches is forbidden.
d. In case there is a formal electronic coverage of the agon from the Federation then it will be used. The above procedure does not debunk the written protest which is usually initiated after the agon.
e. Unsportsmanlike conduct or deliberate actions by a team or delegation that would damage the prestige of the games will be avoided. Coaches will not gesture, shout and get up from their seats or ridicule matches. Otherwise, their athlete can be punished. Decent guidance is allowed in low tones. Misconduct or prohibited act by a group or member of a group or delegation, etc. may cause the exclusion or expulsion of the offender, but also of all the factors that support him.
f. The athletes of PYX LAX will compete according to their level of competition, which is determined by the competition limit and is as follows:
From 0 to 5 matches
From 6 to 15 matches
From 16 and up
In national and regional championships, the above separation of levels may not exist
PAMPAIDES (6-7 & 8-9) : -21,-24,-27,-30,-33,-36,-39,-42,-45,+45
PANKORASIDES (6-7 & 8-9) : -18,-21,-24,-27,-30,-33,-36,-39,-42,-45,+45
PAMPAIDES (10-11) :–21,-24,-27,-30,-34,-38,-42,-46,-52,-60,+60
PANKORASIDES (10-11) : –21,-24,-27,-30,-34,-38,-42,-46,-52,-60,+60
PAIDES (12-14) : – 34,-37,-41,-45,-50,-55,-60,-66,+66
KORASIDES (12-14) : – 32,-36,-40,-44,-48,-52,-57,-63,+63
EFIVOI (15-17) : – 46,-50,-55,-60,-66,-73,-81,+81
NEANIDES (15-17):– 40,-44,-48,-52,-57,-63,-70,+70
AGENEIOI (18-20) :– 56, -62, -69, -77, -85, -94, +94
YOUNG WOMEN (18-20): -48, -52, -57, -63, -70, -78, +78
ANDRES (21+) : – 56, -62, -69, -77, -85, -94, -105, +105
GYNAIKES: (21+) : -48, -52, -57, -63, -70, -78, +78